Usage of the steroid Testosterone Enanthate The steroid Testosterone Enanthate is widely manufactured around the world. It is claimed to be one of the oldest testosterone esters that have ever been purchasable. However many other testosterone compounds are available nowadays, the steroid Testosterone Enanthate hasn't lost its celebrity. It remains to be in high demand. This medication is usually recommended in case of following medical conditions: disorders related to reduced levels of testosterone and delayed puberty in boys. It serves as additional remedy for treatment of several types of breast cancer in females as well. According to certain sources, it may be also used for treatment of several types of anemia. The steroid Testosterone Enanthate is a remedy that is often chosen by many athletes. If they accompany administration of this preparation by proper trainings, they observe significant changes in the muscularity. It is possible to obtain great muscle mass due to usage of this drug. Strength gain is another benefit that is acquired because of the steroid Testosterone Enanthate. Moreover, joint pains that occur due to intensive trainings can be also relieved with the help of this product. Testosterone Enanthate powder This medication comes only in injectable form. Ready liquid and powder of this medicine are offered for sales. Testosterone Enanthate powder is used for preparing of solution for injections. The powder is white or creamy-white. Solution from Testosterone Enanthate powder may be prepared even in house conditions. Testosterone Enanthate injections The first aspect which should be known before application of Testosterone Enanthate injections is following: injections of this medication are introduced only intramuscularly. It is forbidden to inject them in veins. Only large muscles of the buttocks and the thighs are safe for application of Testosterone Enanthate injections. Thus, there are just 4 sites to apply these injections: 2 sites are on the buttock; 2 – on the thighs. It is recommended to rotate the sites each time you inject yourself with this drug. Testosterone Enanthate 250 What does Testosterone Enanthate 250 represent? Let explain. It means that the concentration of the active ingredient is 250 mg per one ml. It is considered to be one of the most common concentrations for this medication. So, Testosterone Enanthate 250 is manufactured by numerous companies; it is widely available in the whole world. Testosterone Enanthate half life This is a long-lasting product. Testosterone Enanthate half life is circa 5 days. What does it really mean for those who take this medicine? Why is it necessary to know about Testosterone Enanthate half life? This condition greatly influences on frequency of its administration. But this issue is better presented in the next chapter below. It is necessary to add here that if you know half life of a medication, you may find out about the time after which this drug becomes effective and causes wanted results. According to scientific affirmations, effects of Testosterone Enanthate are seen after 4 weeks of administration. Testosterone Enanthate dosage A Testosterone Enanthate dosage which is used and recommended by one athlete may differ essentially from the measure which is advised by another. While some persons take relatively low doses, others use too high quantities. But it is possible to name a Testosterone Enanthate dosage which can be called “normal". 500 mg per week is a sufficient measure that may cause significant effects in getting of muscle mass and strength. It is necessary to inject this remedy twice weekly. However several individuals claim that they administer 1000-2000 mg of Testosterone Enanthate per day, such increased quantities are unsafe. When it comes to Testosterone Enanthate dosages used for treatment of various diseases, they are prescribed by doctors particularly. There is no any common measure that could be appropriate for any patient. Physicians take in considerations all needed medical and personal conditions of patients, when they define doses of this medicine. Those who take this medication for hormone replacement therapy usually use 50-400 mg each 2nd or 4th week. Boys that suffer from delayed puberty are injected with 50-200 mg each 2nd or 4th week during 4-6 months. Women with certain types of breast cancer introduce 200-400 mg ever 2nd or 4th day. Testosterone Enanthate cycles This steroid is rarely used alone. It is taken together with several other preparations. It is important to note that it converts into estrogen in the body, causing such side effects, as gynecomastia, bloating and fat accumulation. But there is an effective method to avoid or at least to minimize severity of these negative results. Thus, Testosterone Enanthate cycles may suppose usage of such anti-estrogen compounds, as Clomid or Nolvadex. In fact, Testosterone Enanthate cycles are chosen individually because such factors, as experiences with steroids, gender, age and body's responses to this drug as well as to others, should be taken into account. Progressive steroid users may apply the following Testosterone Enanthate cycle: Primobolan and Testosterone Enanthate should be used weekly during 12 weeks; Turanabol has to be utilized during the first six weeks of the phase. The recommended dosages are following: Testosterone Enanthate – 500 mg/week, Primobolan – 600 mg/week, Turanabol – 50 mg/week. Inexperienced consumers of steroids may choose such Testosterone Enanthate cycle which supposes intake of Dianabol and Arimidex in addition to Testosterone Enanthate. It is displayed in details below. 1-4 weeks: 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate weekly; 20 mg of Dianabol daily; 1 mg of Arimidex daily. 5-12 weeks: 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week; Dianabol is not administered longer; the dosage of Arimidex should be reduced week after week from 1 mg per day till 0, 5 mg per day during the last week. Never forget that post-cycle therapy should present after any Testosterone Enanthate cycle! Testosterone Enanthate side effects Testosterone Enanthate side effects that occur frequently include acne formation, fluid retention, fatigue, changes in sex drive, strange taste in mouth, headaches, male pattern hair loss, gum pains and swelling. But there are also adverse reactions that don't have high percentage of appearing but they also trouble some users of this medication. So, allergy, depression, gynecomastia, abdominal pains, breathing difficulties, loss of appetite, abnormal weight gain, liver troubles, prolonged erections and changing in testicles' size belong also to negative consequences of this product. However this medicine is not recommended for female athletes, some women administer it. This medication may lead to effects of virilization in women. Females may suffer from hirsutism, deepening of voice, baldness, acne, clitoral enlargement and menstrual irregularities, if they take this preparation. Some Testosterone Enanthate side effects appear because of improper usage. Those who follow all instructions closely may avoid certain health problems that may occur due to administration of this drug. Testosterone Enanthate vs Cypionate Many persons ask: “Which product is better: Testosterone Enanthate vs Cypionate?" Actually, the question is wrong. These medications cause similar benefits. They are both long-lasting preparations. Although Cypionate has a little bit longer active life than Enanthate, the difference is insignificant. While Testosterone Enanthate is widely taken in the whole world, Testosterone Cypionate has higher popularity in the USA. Each person has own values and may define which ester is the best for him. Buy Testosterone Enanthate You may buy Testosterone Enanthate online. This is the easiest and safest way to get this product. Our pharmacy offers this steroid for sales. Moreover, confidentiality is provided. | |
Sports Supplements Ireland
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Testosterone Enanthate
Product Review: Animal Cuts
Let's face it; when it comes time to choosing the right muscle-building product available, there are just too many variables to take into account - too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are fact or just well-scripted fiction. You may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds, you may be looking for a product that best fits your budget. Or, you may just be looking for the best possible muscle-building product available that will meet your particular training requirements.
So what do you do? You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about - you need to know that all your hard work, dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient, effective and satisfactory results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming venture. For every proponent you find there will always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any given product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. What that means is, unless you have tried a particular product and know what results you can expect to gain given your body's own unique bio-chemistry, you put your faith in others - as many 'others' as possible.
It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that in mind, I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the explosive nutrition website that have received numerous, widespread results. This should allow you, the consumer, to make your purchases in confidence with the most comprehensive information available.
This week's product review: Universal Animal Cuts
After 66 reviews, which is a more than adequate number to form some substantiated opinions on, my first thought is that this is a 'good' but certainly not an 'excellent' product choice for a thermogenic. With just under a 70% approval rating, the majority of people would recommend this product. However, nearly 10% wouldn't recommend this product, and a surprisingly high number (13 people) were undecided if the effects were worth the time and money. Across the board in effectiveness, value and perceived overall rating, this product remains in the mid 70th percentile. Below are the pros and cons that were provided by each person who reviewed this product, giving you more indepth insight as to what this product is really all about:
The first obvious visual difference between the pros and cons for this product, is that there is much more focused variety of positive comments whereas the cons are quite ranging in terms of scope. 93-86 is the pro-to-con split, a pretty closely matched statistic which does not inspire confidence in itself. As with all Animal products, the number of pills is always the greatest perceived negative comment, but there is a worrying number of comments which suggest increased fatigue and a decrease in energy levels (16-41 is the pro-to-con split on energy levels being effected by taking this product). However, a loss of body-weight and increased definition are the overwhelming positive factors agreed upon by those who have taken this product. Bottom-line: This is a decent thermogenic, but by no means the best when compared to the likes of Oxy Elite Pro - the No1 perceived fat-burner. Universal is one of the longest running supplement companies with a good reputation. If you're looking to experiment with a thermogenic, give it a try, but be aware of those decreased energy levels, especially if your daily active level demands your energy to be a reliable level.
Product Review: Animal Pump
Let's face it - when it comes time to choosing the best sports-supplement available, there are just too many variables to take into account. Too many compromises, too many promises that you don't know are true or just well-scripted fiction. You may be looking for a product that best fits your budget. You may be looking for a product that possesses or lacks certain compounds or ingredients. Or, you could just be looking for the best possible muscle-building product available that will meet your personal training needs.
So what do you do? You do your homework. After all, this is your body we're talking about. You need to know that all your hardwork dedication and pennies are being supported to achieve the most efficient, effective and satisfactory results possible.
But this can prove to be a time-consuming venture - for every proponent you find, there will always be an opponent. But the chances are that the true quality, effect and value of any given product will be reflected in sheer weight of numbers. What that means is; unless you have tried a particular product and know what results you can expect to gain given your own unique biochemistry, you put your faith in others - as many 'others' as possible.
It takes a wise man to ask for the advice of others, and with that thought in ind I'm going to continue to select certain products that are available through the Explosve Nutrition website that have received numerous and/or widespread results. This should allow you - the consumer - to make your purchases in confidence with the most comprehensive information available.
This weeks product review: Universal Animal Pump
The first thing you should notice when reviewing the data above, is that 67 user reviews is an impressive and confidence-boosting factor when deciding to purchase this product. What's more favourable is the near 80% approval rating for this produ t, with only very low negative and undecided user feedback at 5% and 11% respectively. In the breakdown ratings of value, effectiveness and overall perceived worth of this product, Animal Pump performs splendidly, with excellent values all in the low 8 region. Animal have produced another consistent winner. Below are the pros and cons that were given by each person who reviewed this product, giving you more detailed insight as to what this product is really all about:
When it comes to pre-workout supplements, I freely admit that I have very little personal experience to draw upon - a few attempts at NO Xplode is about it. So, like any new product being considered for use, I first look to see who's responsible for it. Universal is one of the longest running and surviving sports-supplement companies in the world and they've established a well-deserved reputation for delivering some of the best tried-and-tested products available today. Animal Pump certainly fits that description. With a 30 day supply, this product is not only budget friendly, but very effective: greater pump, energy and focus are consistently reported. The cons, like many Universal products, focus on the quantity of pills needed to be ingested, together with a seemingly delayed effect from taking the product to experiencing the effects. The importance of an empty stomach is likely to make a large impact on the effectiveness of this product, so if you're going to use it, make sure you follow the guide-lines for usuage. Bottom-line: Great company, excellent product with a reassuring number of reviews. If you're looking for a pre-workout supp, look no further.
The Power of Cranberries
Imagine a little red berry that fights cancer, age-related diseases like loss of memory, heart disease, ulcers, and even cavities. Sound to good to be true? Allow us to introduce our friend, the Cranberry!
In 1996 laboratory studies conducted by University of Illinois scientists and published in Planta Medica demonstrated the potential anti-cancer properties of cranberries. More recently researchers at the University of Western Ontario demonstrated, in animal models, that human breast cancer cells showed significantly lower incidence of tumor development when the experimental group's diet was supplemented with cranberries.
USDA scientists at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University have been finding promising results associated with diets high in antioxidants and other phytonutrients. Preliminary studies suggest that diets containing fruits and vegetables with high ORAC values may provide protection against chronic age-related afflictions like loss of coordination and loss of memory. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which is a measure of the antioxidant activity for a particular food. Cranberries score very high on the ORAC scale at 1750 ORAC units per 3.5 oz. serving.
A study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that a unique cranberry juice component, a high-molecular-weight nondialysable material (NDM), has the ability to reverse and inhibit the coaggregation of certain oral bacteria responsible for dental plaque and periodontal disease in vitro. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition reported on a preliminary clinical trial using a mouthwash containing cranberry NDM. Saliva samples of the experimental group showed a two order of magnitude reduction in Streptococcus Mutans compared with the placebo group. This is exciting news because a large percentage of cavities can be attributed to Streptococcus Mutans.
Flavonoids have been shown to function as potent antioxidants both in vitro and in vivo and may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Cranberries contain significant amounts of flavonoids and polyphenolic compounds that have been demonstrated to inhibit LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation. Ongoing research continues to suggest that cranberries may offer a natural defense against atherosclerosis.
Peptic ulcers are increasingly being attributed to infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, as pposed to stress and/or stomach acidity. A high-molecular-weight nondialysable constituent of cranberry juice has been shown to inhibit the adhesion of H. pylori to human gastric mucus in vitro. These preliminary results suggest that cranberry may be beneficial in the prevention of peptic ulcers through the inhibition of H. pylori adhesion to gastric mucus and stomach tissue.
You can find cranberries in your favorite Wholefood Farmacy foods such as, Craanberry Crunch, Cranberry Phi, Phi Plus, Fruitalicious, and Fruitalicious Plus. Cranberries are also an awesome addition to a smoothie made from any of our fruit based Farinas such as BeautiPhi, ClariPhi, ElectriPhi, FructiPhi & GloriPhi. Here’s an idea to try – in your blender, add 2 tbsp of your choice of Farina, a little ice water, a couple of ice cubes and a handful of cranberries. Blend on high for about 30 seconds and enjoy!
How to Choose Weight Training Supplements
The field of weight training supplements is confusing and choosing incorrectly can cause serious health problems. The term "weight training supplement" covers everything from protein powders to anabolic steroids. For health reasons, using steroids to weight train is a bad idea. However, armed with a little knowledge, you can choose weight training supplements that will safely enhance your results.
Choose Protein Weight Training Supplements
- Take powdered protein to help build muscle mass. Muscle is composed primarily of protein. Keeping a steady supply in your bloodstream allows your muscles to get the nutrition they require.
- 2Select whey protein powder to get the amino acids the body breaks down into muscle nutrition too. Whey protein is a popular choice with body builders since it is quickly absorbed by the body.
- 3Try soy protein powders to augment a vegetarian diet. Soy powders contain all the same amino acids that whey powders do, and soy has been shown to lower cholesterol.
- 4Opt for a casein (cheese derivative) protein powder. Casein protein is released more slowly into the body, so it is available for muscle repair for longer. Casein may not be as easy to mix or taste as good as other powders though.
- 5Mix protein powder with water or a sports drink and consume immediately after weight training. This way your aching muscles can readily consume the protein.
- 6Eat some eggs. Eggs are chock full of protein, but they may also cause unwanted gas and bloating.
Check Out Glutamine
- 7Consider a glutamine supplement. Glutamine is an amino acid the body uses to repair muscle damage due to weight training.
- 8Mix glutamine powder into your post-weight routine drink. Glutamine mixes cleanly into any liquid.
Choose Creatine Supplements
- 9Try creatine to increase your energy during weight training. Creatine is an organic acid that your body produces. Experts suggest that you increase your liquid intake while taking creatine.
- 10Switch to creatine serum (liquid) when powdered supplements cause indigestion.
- 11Consult your doctor before beginning a creatine program. Creatine may be unhealthy for those with kidney problems.
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